December 31, 2023
12:00 AM

Aquatics Programs Expand and Thrive in 2023

In 2023, we took our aquatics program to new levels, serving more New Yorkers of all ages. Our Adult Learn to Swim program quadrupled the number of students served by offering programming in both the Winter and Fall. We added new Spring and Winter sessions to our Bluefish learn-to-swim program for youth; including a multi-day Spring Break program, and a Winter after school intensive.  We worked with new partners, including PS 130, a local Title I public school and began a collab with Team New York Aquatics for our adult program! 

You can read all about it in our 2023 Swim Report here!

Support for + POOL’s 2023 Swim Programs was generously provided by Jeff Barany, Janine Luke, Marian Klein-Fledt, Sharon Davis, Robert & Linda Meyer, Claire Weisz, Ginger Groeber, Laurie David, Fontas Advisors, New York City Council, the USA Swimming Foundation, and generous support from individuals who believe in swim education.


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