October 26, 2010
4:24 PM

Met NYC Parks and Recreation for 1st Time

We met with NYC Department of Parks and Recreation, a pretty incredible agency that maintains all of the city’s public pools.  It was the first time we really learned about how things work in the city and the engine behind it. We learned that while the Parks Department loved the concept and idea of + POOL, maintaining and operating another public pool would be a heavy lift for them, and so we started thinking about ways we could operate + POOL, once built, ourselves.

Monthly Donation

Quarterly Donation

One Time Donation

Your donation qualifies you for a tile!

We’ll engrave your name (or any message up to 80 characters) on a + POOL tile and send you a mockup to display and show off to your friends.

Would you like to add a name or message to the walls and deck of + POOL?