October 22, 2015
9:47 PM

Complete Sizing Studies

While we were looking into all the sites that + POOL could possibly go, we started studying the ways in which the placement of + POOL might affect its size and the number of people + POOL could serve. Our goal has always been to make sure + POOL is big enough for everybody, has the capacity to perform multiple functions and the added bonus of being Olympic-length for all our competitive swimmers out there. The study below shows the different potential sizes of + POOL; how each pool would be designed to meet code; and how each size impacts the overall + POOL experience.

We also learned that in order to meet code for swimming pools, we’d have to increase the size of the decking from what we had originally envisioned, because pools are required to have a certain amount of deck space based on the surface area of the pool. In turn, + POOL’s overall surface area chaned, which affected the prospects of some of the sites were were considering. Go big, or go home.

To dive a little deeper, download our sizing study.

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We’ll engrave your name (or any message up to 80 characters) on a + POOL tile and send you a mockup to display and show off to your friends.

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