June 23, 2015
9:43 PM

Begin Site Feasibility Phase

With the successful tests of the Float Lab and deciding to structure + POOL as a non-profit behind us, a lot of the big questions were answered. We knew we could consistently filter out bacteria from the river for swimming, and we had an organization to develop it. Whew. That’s a lot.

The next huge hurdle was to understand exactly where + POOL could go. Before we could go to the City of New York to start talking about where they might let us build + POOL, we had to figure out exactly where it would physically fit. This included not only testing water quality to determine how + POOL’s filtration system might affect different sites, but also studying each site’s physical conditions: available surface area, water depth, current speeds, 100 yr flood wave height, tide elevation differences, general harbor conditions.

The process took nearly 6 months, studying upwards of 12 sites all over New York City, working closely with our marine engineers at McLaren Engineering.

Greetings from Domino Sugar Factory!

Greetings from Hudson River Park!

Throughout the process we were able to start meeting with a variety of landowners and stakeholders to discuss partnerships and opportunities. Each site along New York’s waterfront is operated by a dizzying gradient of different entities, from private developers to the NYC Department of Parks and Recreation to the NYC Economic Development Corporation. Needless to say, this started us on a really, really busy path ahead.

And just for fun, we made real vintage postcards of + POOL at every single site. We sent them out to folks we knew and used them at our Fall Gala.  We may still have a few left if you inquire through our shop.

Monthly Donation

Quarterly Donation

One Time Donation

Your donation qualifies you for a tile!

We’ll engrave your name (or any message up to 80 characters) on a + POOL tile and send you a mockup to display and show off to your friends.

Would you like to add a name or message to the walls and deck of + POOL?