December 13, 2016
5:33 PM

Awarded Art Works Grant from the National Endowment for the Arts

Since we became a 501c3 non-profit organization, we’ve written countless grants. Some big, some small—you never know if you’re going to be the right fit. We applied to the National Endowment for the Art’s Art Works grant thinking they’d be stoked on our programming initiatives, and thankfully, they were: we received our first official support from the United States Federal Government. A pretty big moment.

In December 2016, National Endowment for the Arts Chairman Jane Chu approved more than $30 million in grants as part of the NEA’s first major funding announcement for fiscal year 2017, including a $30,000 grant for + POOL. Art Works focuses on “the creation of art that meets the highest standards of excellence, public engagement with diverse and excellent art, lifelong learning in the arts, and the strengthening of communities through the arts.”


“The arts are for all of us, and by supporting organizations such as + POOL, the National Endowment for the Arts is providing more opportunities for the public to engage with the arts,” said NEA Chairman Jane Chu. “Whether in a theater, a town square, a museum, or a hospital, the arts are everywhere and make our lives richer.”

We couldn’t agree more. Thank you, USA.

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We’ll engrave your name (or any message up to 80 characters) on a + POOL tile and send you a mockup to display and show off to your friends.

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