May 13, 2011
1:06 PM

Arup says + POOL is feasible

When we launched the idea, we knew that we were going to have to figure out how to filter the river, but we definitely didn’t know all that entailed. A few weeks after getting a cold call from the most innovative engineering firm on the planet, we embarked on a journey to prove that + POOL was feasible in the first place.

Arup reviewed the proposed scheme, studied its filtration and structure, outlined our MEP needs, did a survey of existing river pools, and presented us with a 28-page document that basically said: “Yeah, it’s possible, but you’ve got a lot of work to do, and a lot of money to raise.”

Even though this phase was small in context, we were beyond ecstatic. We had a stamp of approval to begin real work on the project, and that’s exactly what we did: We began to take our first step towards proving that the filtration technology worked.

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Your donation qualifies you for a tile!

We’ll engrave your name (or any message up to 80 characters) on a + POOL tile and send you a mockup to display and show off to your friends.

Would you like to add a name or message to the walls and deck of + POOL?