September 22, 2018
5:00 PM

52 Friends Wrote Post Cards to Mayor de Blasio

Some 52 friends came by our booth at the SUBMERGE Festival 2018 and — in effort to help us get to our next phase of development — decided to sit down to write a postcard to the Mayor about how much they want to swim in the river. 🙂

From 6th grader at MS8 Emilio who said “I hope you help support the Plus Pool” to graduating high schooler Mar at Laguardia who said she would “love to see progress in building this ingenious idea” to parent Sandie who simply wrote in large caps “I support the development of the pool!” — friends of all ages totally wowed us in their desire to speak out for + POOL and its development.


Some lines from more of our favorites...

“I support + POOL because .. what reason is there not to? ”

“I’ve lived in NYC for 8 years, but have never gone swimming — let’s get a + POOL!”

“I’ve always had a trauma over water – maybe a swimming pool will help me.”

“Why not kill two birds with one stone (well actually, don’t kill anything) – a floating pool that filters water? It’s a no brainer.”

“Water plays a big role in our everyday lives and it would be amazing if we could take care of our water.”

“People need to have places to take a load off.”

All great reasons (and some we never would have thought of!), we think!!

A lottttttt of friends

Monthly Donation

Quarterly Donation

One Time Donation

Your donation qualifies you for a tile!

We’ll engrave your name (or any message up to 80 characters) on a + POOL tile and send you a mockup to display and show off to your friends.

Would you like to add a name or message to the walls and deck of + POOL?