This year was pretty special, as Cofounder Archie trained, fundraised and ran the through the City’s streets in the name of + POOL. In his email to friends, he said “I’m scared, to be honest, but overwhelmingly sike’d because it’s entirely symbolic. Much like + POOL, running this race is a long process of preparation that hurts sometimes, leaves you winded, has twists and turns that takes you through a drastic range of places you never thought you’d go, but in the end, it’s entirely worth it.”
Yup, that sounds a lot like + POOL! We’re super impressed by what Archie, Krystle and Theo were able to accomplish for themselves and are so touched they accomplished it in support of + POOL. Just like every year, we were there to cheer them on the sidelines, just like all of you do for us as we work to build the thing we call + POOL.