Bodies of Water

At Home with + POOL

Estimated Time: 20 minutes
Subjects: Science, Geography, Art, Environment
Grade: K-2
What You Need At Home: drawing utensil(s), printer, paper, world map or globe

Click here to download and print your free materials. 

  1. Talk to your kids about different bodies of water and the differences between them, including: lakes, rivers, oceans, waterfalls, gulfs, estuaries and streams. Use the Matching Game to help you!
  2. If you have a world map or globe, grab it and ask your kids to name the 5 oceans and point to them on a map. 
  3. Show your kids the NYC Water Bodies Map and show them how they are all connected, like the blood that runs through our veins to all the parts of our body where we need it. 
  4. Talk about what water does for us. What do we use these water bodies for? 
  5. Print and play the Word game and the Crossword!

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